Friday, March 12, 2010

my pizza creation..

who doesn't love pizza? our trip to ny last november spoiled us with the thin crust goodness. so of course coming back home i wanted to replicate it. successful? well, it tasted good..but was no where near the good stuff we got back in manhattan. i drool just thinking about it=P. it's all about the crust, and i've got lots of learning to do!

 my take on a margherita pizza

pseudo margherita pizza but with pesto sauce

you always hear the argument between chicago deep dish pizza and new york's thin crust. i've had both and i think they are two totally different species! chicago's is more like a pie...super thick crust with crazy toppings. do i like the crust? not really is like a pie crust. and i have to eat it with a fork and knife..hahaha. so i think my allegiance will fall to ny thin crust. guess i just prefer it better. of course you've got the thin crusts that fail to hold all the toppings and everything slides off in the first bite. FAIL big time. but once in a while you find that awesome place that just keeps you dreaming about going back there again. i'd like to say i found that at bleecker's street pizza & at john's pizzeria on bleecker in new york. so freaking good! please please won't you open an establishment here in socal? hahah, wishful thinking.

back home i guess i still love eating round table pizza. something about those thin little slices and the tangy tomato sauce they use. first class pizza's "ultimate thin crust" is a close second full of garlic, pepperoncinis, pepperoni..mmm all that good stuff. hahah. and surprisingly, domino's new and improved pizza is actually and improved. not my favorite, but still...for a company to undergo a total 180 degrees to appease the masses? that's a big risk, and i applaud them for that. so yes, dominos is our $5 cheap eats when we're lazy to go out=P.

i'll post pics of the ny pizza joints in future good just thinking about them=P